exclusive japanese sake
Total available for overseas sale: 112 bottles
Exclusivity: Worldwide
Head Brewer: 水野 雅則: Mizuno san (7th Generation)
Rice: 100% Yamadanishiki “A” Grade rice
Brewery: Kikkawa: 7th Generation

A superb Representation

The Sake

Mizuno san is the head brewer and is a 7th generation artisan. This Sake is the flagship product among the Afuri range, and it is a gem that Mizuno san has put his soul into making using the best rice and the best water. The rice and water are fully transformed into the most beautiful Sake.
Due to time to craft such a special bottle and the expertise and knowledge needed, it is produced in very low volumes and this enhances the reputation of this Sake.
Afuri water is hard water with a hardness of 150, which is rare in Japan. It shows how long the water has been polished in the process of soaking into the ground at the foot of the mountain. Today, it is a common theory that soft water is suitable for Sake brewing, but that is not the case. Hard water promotes yeast fermentation and can be brewed even at low temperatures, producing a refreshing and beautiful Sake quality.
The rice is not only Yamada Nishiki but from the certified Special Area “A” and is then carefully polished to 35%. The result is a supreme Junmai Daiginjo.
Accredited Sake Quality appraiser says:
“What a magnificent Sake, a pure Daiginjo in so many ways. My first sense is a heavenly fruit scent that cannot be compared and comes from the 1701 special yeast. The aroma is bold in style and elegant with peachy notes that represents the taste to follow: a light, fruity flavor that is so moreish and makes me want to sip immediately again.
From the tongue to the throat, the flavor moves lightly and calmly, and I can feel the gentle sweetness slowly replaced by a swelling acidity. The umami in my mouth afterwards is full and encourages you to taste again.”
Brewery Awards:
2021 IWC Gold
2021 Feminary’s World Wine Competition Gold
CINVE2021 Gold

The Brewery

At Kikkawa Brewery, Sake is brewed by pumping subterranean water, which is naturally filtered and clear, from three wells. It is this water and the expertise which continually produces Sake that has an individual character and has been highly evaluated in Japan.
Founded in 1912 (First Year of Taisho) at the foot of the rainy mountain (Tanzawa Oyama), the brewery started by carefully making small amounts of Sake over time. Even if the world or the surrounding landscape changes, the sacred mountain and the blessed rain that falls there will not change. The “Hard water” contains a lot of minerals such as magnesium and calcium and the Sake is brewed by traditional methods, even nowadays the basic stance of carefully making a small amount of Sake does not change.
Ordering the best rice for Sake brewing from all over the country has become possible, but that is not the case with water. That is why it is said that the water required to make Sake is about 50 times the mass of rice, and so their water is known as a gift in the world of Sake brewing.
Kikkawa Brewery is working to improve the quality of all the Sake it manufactures by incorporating the know-how of advanced ginjo Sake brewing and the revival of the traditional manufacturing methods. They will continue to stick to the true ingredients and brew Sake that customers can drink with peace of mind.
Afuri, For Life's Pure Moments

Total Available to Overseas Market: 112 bottles
Brewed by: Mizuno san
Rice: Yamadanishiki “A” Grade
Sake Grade: Junmai Daiginjo
Polishing Rate: 35%
Alcohol%: 15
Bottle Size: 720ml
With our Kindness
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